Wellow Yellow Raku Brush On Glaze BP10R
Fired up to 1000°C, cool to 750°C, remove from kiln. Put in combustable such as sawdust. Allow to cool. Wash in water to encourage crazing
Raku Firing Tips
Raku glazes should be fired up to 1000°C in either an electric or gas kiln. They they should be allowed to cool in the kiln to 750°C. While still red hot they should be transferred as quickly as possible into a reduction bin (typically a metal garbage can or small metal container with a lid that has been lined with organic material such as newspaper and/or sawdust, etc.)
As soon as the pieces are in the bin the lid should be put on to keep oxygen from entering the container, in order to develop the reduction atmosphere. The pieces should be allowed to cool in the bin for at least 20 minutes.
When the red hot pieces go into the bin, the organic material ignites producing flames and smoke so this part of the firing should be done outside.
Firing tips:
Try to size the reduction bin to the size of the piece being fired.
Position the organic material and the piece so that the flames can get all around the piece.
Different organic materials can produce very different results, so for example a glaze reduced in newspaper could be a beautiful blue color and the same glaze reduced in sawdust could have a metallic copper appearance.
Pieces should be cleaned immediately with water and a hard bristle brush.
After cleaning, warm the pieces in the kiln to evaporate any water from the piece. This helps to set the colors more permanently.
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Wellow Yellow Raku Brush On Glaze BP10R
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