Spectrum Chamois 519 Underglaze
Item: SPEC-519
Lead Free, Non Toxic, Fire to Cone 06-6 (1000-1240 deg C)
A full palette of rich, vibrant colours that are opaque with 3 coats, semi-opaque with 2 coats and semi-transparent with 1 coat.They are compatible for use under most clear glazes.Can be applied on greenware or bisque and can be used with or without a clear glaze covering.Image shows the unglazed colour in the upper left half of the tile and the colour when covered by a clear gloss glaze in the lowerright half of the tile.These samples were fired at cone 05. Spectrum underglazes generally have good temperature stability up to cone 6 and for many colours to cone 10.Please note that when fired higher than cone 04 you may get small colour variations from those shown on the chart.
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Spectrum Chamois 519 Underglaze
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